MX-CS Series UNITIZED SUB STATIONS (USS) / Compact Sub Station
SAFVOLT USS are available upto 36 KV and 2500 KVA, offers a high tech standard and economy over the years for the switchgear manufacturer with dependability, reliability and versatility.SAFVOLT MX-CS Series Unitized Sub Station is a compact arrangement, which simplifies conventional substation design.Substation is divided into three compartments
[1] HV Compartment [2] The Transformer Compartment [3] LV Compartment
Design Conforms to IEC 62271-202, IEC 1330(1995) and IS 14786:2000 Standards.
Fully Compartmentalized Design.
IP 23/ IP 33 degree of protections available.
Designed to withstand electrical impulses, thermal and dynamic stresses.
Compact and occupies less floor space.
Available in both Indoor and Outdoor Versions.
Tailed configuration to meet customer requirements.
SCADA Compatible.
Adequate Illumination and Safety Switches & Theft proof Designs.
Easy to transport, ready to install and operate.
- Compact, Safety and Aesthetically superior
- Reduced Electrical losses as USS can be provided near the Load Center
- A High degree of safety and operational reliability is achieved by HT & LT Switchgears and protective relays to avoid overloading
- Reduction in logistic cost as USS is packaged and delivered as one unit
- Low Civil/Foundation Cost
OUR USS are ideally suited indoor as well as outdoor applications and can be placed on Ground, partially or totally below or above ground level.
Residential Complexes
Power Utilities,
Shopping Malls,
Software Parks & Airports
Construction sites
Exhibitions and
Open cast mines as mobile substation, either on truck or skid mounted
Do you have a car parking, our USS will fit in there!, as the dimensions are depends on configuration, we will share you the details during our detailed technical offer. And do you have space constrains? Contact us we will propose our modified design to suit your requirements.